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Supply Chain Management
IAP/Spring 2025

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SCM.250 Analytical Methods for Supply Chain Management I

Graduate (Fall); partial term
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-1
Covers the primary methods of analysis required for supply chain management planning. The class solves various practical problems using simulation, linear programming, integer programming, regression, and other techniques. The work is primarily team based with a final exam. Restricted to SCM students.
E. Dugundji

SCM.251 Supply Chain Financial Analysis

Graduate (Fall); partial term
Prereq: None. Coreq: SCM.260; or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-6
Explores the linkages between supply chain management and corporate finance. Emphasizes how the supply chain creates value for both the shareholders of the company and for the stakeholders affected by the company's operations. Sessions combine lectures and data-rich cases from the manufacturer, distributor, and retailer perspective. Topics include accounting fundamentals, financial analysis, activity-based costing, working capital management, cash flow projections, capital budgeting, and sustainability.
J. Goentzel, J. Rice

SCM.253 Case Studies in Supply Chain Financial Analysis

Graduate (Spring); first half of term
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 2-0-4
Students explore and discuss case studies that focus on financial analysis in real supply chains. Cases provide the opportunity for students to apply the theory and quantitative methods that they have studied in addressing actual supply chain challenges. These include decision making around sourcing, capital investments, inventory strategy, and new product introduction. Students present and defend their solutions to their peers.
J. Rice

SCM.254 Analytical Methods for Supply Chain Management II

Graduate (IAP)
Prereq: SCM.250, SCM.500, or permission of instructor
Units: 2-0-1
Introduces tools needed to analyze data to solve supply chain and logistics problems. Topics include principal component analysis and clustering, regression and prediction for continuous and discrete variables, experimental design and causal inference, and geospatial visualization and analysis. Instruction provided in Python programming in the context of data analysis applications for supply chain management. Restricted to SCM students.
No textbook information available

SCM.256 Data Science and Machine Learning for Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Spring)
Prereq: SCM.254 or permission of instructor
Units: 5-0-7
Lecture: MW2.30-4 (54-100) Lab: R4-5.30 (E25-111) Recitation: T8.30-10 (E51-145) or T4-5.30 (E51-376) or F1-2.30 (E52-164) or F4-5.30 (E52-164)
Introduces data science and machine learning topics in both theory and application. Data science topics include database and API connections, data preparation and manipulation, and data structures. Machine learning topics include model fitting, tuning and prediction, end-to-end problem solving, feature engineering and feature selection, overfitting, generalization, classification, regression, neural networks, dimensionality reduction and clustering. Covers software packages for statistical analysis, data visualization and machine learning. Introduces best practices related to source control, system architecture, cloud computing frameworks and modules, security, emerging financial technologies and software process. Applies teaching examples to logistics, transportation, and supply chain problems. Enrollment limited.
E. Dugundji
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.258 Written Communication Topics for Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, IAP)
Prereq: None
Units: 1-0-0 [P/D/F]
Credit cannot also be received for SCM.259
Provides an overview of the expectations for the capstone project and thesis. Explores techniques for developing and organizing ideas and for writing concise, fluid prose. Covers how to find and work with source materials.  Restricted to SCM students.
Fall: P. Siska
IAP: P. Siska
No textbook information available

SCM.259 Written Communication for Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall)
Prereq: None
Units: 1-0-2 [P/D/F]
Credit cannot also be received for SCM.258
Provides an overview of the expectations for the capstone project/thesis. Explores techniques for developing and organizing ideas and for writing concise, fluid prose. Covers how to find and use source materials. Also touches upon principles of good poster design. Restricted to SCM students.
P. Siska

SCM.260[J] Logistics Systems

Graduate (Fall)
(Same subject as 1.260[J], 15.770[J], IDS.730[J])
(Subject meets with SCM.271)
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Provides an introduction to supply chain management from both analytical and practical perspectives. Taking a unified approach, students develop a framework for making intelligent decisions within the supply chain. Covers key logistics functions, such as demand planning, procurement, inventory theory and control, transportation planning and execution, reverse logistics, and flexible contracting. Explores concepts such as postponement, portfolio management, and dual sourcing. Emphasizes skills necessary to recognize and manage risk, analyze various tradeoffs, and model logistics systems. SCM.271 meets with SCM.260, but has fewer assignments.
Angela Acocella, Chris Caplice

SCM.261[J] Case Studies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Spring); second half of term
(Same subject as 1.261[J], 15.771[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-4
Begins Mar 31. Lecture: TR1-2.30 (E52-164)
A combination of case studies and industry speakers covering the strategic and operating issues in supply chain transformation. Focuses on the pragmatic creation of supply chain capabilities, including resilience, omnichannel, E2E visibility, entrepreneurship, servitization, E2E automation, and AI.
M. Jesus Saenz
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.262 Leading Global Teams

Graduate (IAP)
Prereq: SCM.260 or permission of instructor
Units: 2-0-1 [P/D/F]
Reinforces supply chain concepts and develops management and teamwork skills. Focuses on practical, rather than theoretical tools, methodologies, and approaches that students will use throughout their supply chain career. Includes guest lectures, a case competition, and several large-scale, team-based simulation learning games. Restricted to SCM students.
C. Mejia
No textbook information available

SCM.263 Advanced Writing Workshop for SCM

Graduate (Spring)
Prereq: None
Units: 1-0-2 [P/D/F]
Lecture: F8.30-10 (E52-164) or F10-11.30 (E52-164)
Designed to help students write an excellent capstone/thesis. Lectures cover conventions of academic writing and the expectations for each chapter of the capstone/thesis. Small team coaching sessions provide in-depth feedback on each project, helping students present their ideas in cogent, concise prose. Restricted to SCM students.
P. Siska, T. Gooley
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.264 Databases and Data Analysis for Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall); second half of term
(Subject meets with SCM.274)
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-3
Introduces databases, data analysis, and machine learning topics. Covers data modeling, relational databases, SQL queries, data mining, non-relational databases, and data warehouses. Introduces data analysis tools for visualization, regression, supervised and unsupervised techniques including principal component analysis and clustering. Term project includes implementation of data model, database, visualization and data analysis. SCM.274 meets with SCM.264 but requires fewer assignments and lectures. Restricted to SCM students.
C. Cassa, T. Hall

SCM.265[J] Global Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Spring); first half of term
(Same subject as 1.265[J], 2.965[J], 15.765[J])
Prereq: 15.761, 15.778, SCM.260, SCM.261, or permission of instructor
Units: 2-0-4
Ends Mar 21. Lecture: TR1-2.30 (6-120)
Focuses on the planning, processes, and activities of supply chain management for companies involved in international commerce. Students examine the end-to-end processes and operational challenges in managing global supply chains, such as the basics of global trade, international transportation, duty, taxes, trade finance and hedging, currency issues, outsourcing, cultural differences, risks and security, and green supply chains issues. Highly interactive format features student-led discussions, staged debates, and a mock trial. Includes assignments on case studies and sourcing analysis, as well as projects and a final exam.
S. Willems
No textbook information available

SCM.266 Freight Transportation

Graduate (Spring); second half of term
Prereq: SCM.260
Units: 2-0-4
Begins Mar 31. Lecture: TR8.30-10 (E51-376)
Provides an in-depth introduction to the fundamental concepts and techniques related to the design, procurement, and management of freight transportation. Examines freight transportation as a bridging function for a firm, considering the physical flow of raw materials and finished goods as well as connections to suppliers and customers. Also covers how freight transportation insulates a firm's core operations from external disruptions and variability of supply and demand.
C. Caplice, A. Acocella
No textbook information available

SCM.270 Current Challenges in Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Spring)
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-0 [P/D/F]
Lecture: W4-5.30 (E51-057)
Each week students study and then discuss a case and/or article(s) related to a current challenge in supply chain management. Led by faculty and researchers in the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) along with invited guest speakers from industry. Topics highlight the current areas of research at CTL as well as other challenging issues from industry. Includes several required case write-ups or research papers.
C. Caplice
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.271 Logistics Systems Topics

Graduate (Fall)
(Subject meets with 1.260[J], 15.770[J], IDS.730[J], SCM.260[J])
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 1-0-2 [P/D/F]
Provides an introduction to supply chain management from both analytical and practical perspectives. Taking a unified approach, students develop a framework for making intelligent decisions within the supply chain. Covers key logistics functions, such as demand planning, procurement, inventory theory and control, transportation planning and execution, reverse logistics, and flexible contracting. Explores concepts such as postponement, portfolio management, and dual sourcing. Emphasizes skills necessary to recognize and manage risk, analyze various tradeoffs, and model logistics systems. SCM.271 meets with SCM.260, but has fewer assignments. Restricted to students who previously completed the edX course SC1x Supply Chain Fundamentals.
C. Caplice, D. Correll

SCM.274 Databases and Data Analysis Topics for Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall); second half of term
(Subject meets with SCM.264)
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 1-0-2 [P/D/F]
Introduces databases, data analysis, and machine learning topics. Covers data modeling, relational databases, SQL queries, data mining, non-relational databases, and data warehouses. Introduces data analysis tools for visualization, regression, supervised and unsupervised techniques including principal component analysis and clustering. Term project includes implementation of data model, database, visualization and data analysis. SCM.274 meets with SCM.264 but requires fewer assignments and lectures. Restricted to SCM students.
C. Cassa, T. Hall

SCM.275 Advanced Supply Chain Systems Planning and Network Design

Graduate (Fall); second half of term
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-4
Explores the challenges of supply chain design in the dynamic and uncertain context of the contemporary supply chains. Introduces students to the most common decisions in supply chain design, the main trade-offs associated with those decisions, and the fundamental quantitative methods for used in supply chain design. Helps students translate a real-life business decision-making problem into a formal supply chain network design mathematical model.
M. Janjevic

SCM.281 Supply Chain Public Speaking Workshop

Graduate (Spring)
Prereq: None
Units: 1-0-0 [P/D/F]
Lecture: F8.30-10 (E52-164) or F10-11.30 (E52-164)
Further develops and refines public speaking skills through engaging interactive workshops. Techniques learned will help students become dynamic and authentic speakers. Includes speaking preparation, practice sessions, tactics related to content and delivery, storytelling, and crafting presentations, always in relation to concepts and fundamentals of supply chain management. Restricted to SCM students.
P. Cheek
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.282 Supply Chain Leadership Workshop

Graduate (IAP)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-1 [P/D/F]
Designed to enhance your ability to manage and lead in challenging times through a series of self assessment instruments, case studies, and workshops. The objectives are to increase awareness of your strengths and weaknesses as a leader, provide a battery of instruments and surveys to help one understand the way one operates in an organizational setting, and offer strategies and tips on how to leverage one's strengths and work on areas in need of development. Restricted to SCM students.

SCM.283 Humanitarian Logistics

Graduate (Spring); first half of term
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-4
Ends Mar 21. Lecture: MW1-2.30 (E25-117) Recitation: R EVE (5.30 PM) (E51-372)
Explores how logistics management improves response to humanitarian crises stemming from natural disasters, armed conflicts, epidemics, and famine. Class sessions combine online and class lectures, practical exercises, case discussions, and guest speakers. Provides students from various backgrounds with knowledge of the humanitarian context and fundamental supply chain concepts, as well as practice applying new knowledge in developing and communicating plans and policies to address realistic problems.
J. Goentzel
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.284 Humanitarian Logistics Project

Graduate (Spring); second half of term
Prereq: SCM.283
Units: 1-0-5
Begins Mar 31. Lecture: MW1-2.30 (E51-390)
Students completing SCM.283 may enroll for an independent study project, to be completed individually or in a small group, during the second half of the semester. Projects aim to drive innovation and improvement in humanitarian action, utilizing data and information directly from sources such as the UN, Red Cross, national government agencies, NGOs, and/or the private sector. Most projects include direct engagement with leaders from the humanitarian organizations.
J. Goentzel
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.287[J] Global Aging & the Built Environment

Graduate (Spring)
(Same subject as 11.547[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: F2-5 (E40-210)
Combines classroom lectures/discussion, readings, site visits, and field study to provide students with experience in various research techniques including stakeholder analysis, interviewing, photography and image analysis, focus groups, etc. Students examine the impacts of global demographic transition, when there are more older than younger people in a population, and explore emerging challenges in the built environment (e.g., age-friendly community planning, public transportation access, acceptance of driverless cars, social wellbeing and connectivity, housing and community design, design and use of public and private spaces, and the public health implications of climate change and aging).
J. Coughlin
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.289 E-Commerce and Omnichannel Fulfillment Strategies

Graduate (Spring); first half of term
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-4
Ends Mar 21. Lecture: TR10-11.30 (E52-164)
Explores supply chain challenges when implementing omnichannel strategies. Develops an in-depth understanding of how customers' expectations and e-commerce is transforming warehouses operations. Discusses the most relevant traditional warehouses operations and the most innovating fulfillment models in e-commerce and omnichannel. Includes presentations, guest speakers, team projects, and case discussions.
E. Ponce, M. Rodriguez Garcia
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.290 Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Spring); first half of term
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-4
Ends Mar 21. Lecture: MW10-11.30 (E51-149)
Focuses on analyzing the environmental implications of logistics decisions in the supply chain, with special focus on the effect of green transportation, and the new trends in logistics sustainability within the context of growing urbanization and e-commerce. Studies practical alternatives on how to optimize CO2 emissions during last-mile operations by using geo-spatial analysis, and data analytics. Examines the delivery of "fast" and "green" in the new digital era, consumer relationship to sustainable products and services, and environmental costs of fast-shipping e-commerce. Covers supply chain carbon footprint, sustainable transportation, green vehicle routing, fleet assignment, truck consolidation, closed-loop supply chains, reverse logistics, green inventory management, and green consumer behavior.
J. Velazquez
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.291 Procurement Fundamentals

Graduate (Spring); second half of term
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-4
Begins Mar 31. Lecture: MW10-11.30 (E51-149)
Introduces strategic procurement fundamentals to enhance both competitive advantage and resilience to supply chains. Covers frameworks and tools that managers use to elevate purchasing from an operational function to a strategic one. Includes both classic resilience- and cost-based portfolios, as well as modern perspectives, which consider sustainability and power. Combines theoretical and applied perspectives and is designed for students with or without previous procurement experience. Assessment based on case analysis and a final project.
J. Rice
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.293[J] Urban Last-Mile Logistics

Not offered academic year 2024-2025Graduate (Spring); second half of term
(Same subject as 1.263[J], 11.263[J])
Prereq: SCM.254 or permission of instructor
Units: 2-0-4
Explores specific challenges of urban last-mile B2C and B2B distribution in both industrialized and emerging economies. Develops an in-depth understanding of the perspectives, roles, and decisions of all relevant stakeholder groups, from consumers to private sector decision makers and public policy makers. Discusses the most relevant traditional and the most promising innovating operating models for urban last-mile distribution. Introduces applications of the essential quantitative methods for the strategic design and tactical planning of urban last-mile distribution systems, including optimization and simulation. Covers basic facility location problems, network design problems, single- and multi-echelon vehicle routing problems, as well as associated approximation techniques. Requires intermediate coding skills in Python and independent quantitative analyses Python.
M. Winkenbach

SCM.294 Digital Supply Chain Transformation

Not offered academic year 2024-2025Graduate (Spring); first half of term
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-4
Analyzes the factors involved in the digital transformation of supply chain relationships. Develops an in-depth understanding of the perspectives, roles, and decisions of relevant stakeholders in transforming supply chains in the digital era. Covers digital supply chain capabilities, the role of technology, processes and organizations, as well as digital platforms and performance. Discusses relevant case studies of digitally transformed supply chains, covering topics of long-term competitive advantage through operations and digital enhanced value generation. Includes presentations, guest speakers, team projects and case discussions, under experiential learning complementary approaches.
M. Jesus Saenz

SCM.295 Supply Chain Study Trek

Graduate (Spring); partial term
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units: 1-0-0 [P/D/F]
Focuses on real world application of logistics and supply chain. Includes travel to on-site locations, company visits, facility operation tours, and partner presentations. Requires prior approval, detailed proposal, and final report.

SCM.301 Independent Study: Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units arranged
Opportunity for research in Supply Chain Management and Logistics on an individual or group basis. Registration subject to prior arrangement and supervision by staff.
Fall: Staff
IAP: Staff
Spring: Staff
Summer: Staff

SCM.302 Independent Study: Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Opportunity for research in Supply Chain Management and Logistics on an individual or group basis. Registration subject to prior arrangement and supervision by staff.
Fall: Staff
IAP: Staff
Spring: Staff
Summer: Staff

SCM.500 Studies in Supply Chain Management

Graduate (IAP)
Prereq: Permission of department
Units: 0-0-42 [P/D/F]
Introduction to supply chain management in a series of online subjects followed by a comprehensive examination. Analytics: analysis and modeling, statistics, regression, optimization and probability. Fundamentals: concepts for logistics, demand forecasting, inventory planning, control, transportation planning, and execution. Design: network design, finance, supplier management, demand planning, and organization design. Dynamics: global supply chain management, system dynamics, risk management, case studies and simulations. Technology and systems: IT concepts, core systems, and data analysis. Restricted to students who successfully receive the MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management and enroll in the SCM blended master's program.
Y. Sheffi, CTL Staff
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.800 Capstone Project in Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: None
Units arranged
Provides an opportunity for students to synthesize their coursework and professional experience in supply chain management. Students conduct research on a real-world problem of interest to supply chain practitioners. Projects may include site visits, in-person interviews and quantitative analysis of data provided by a sponsoring company, agency, or NGO. Students present their research results in both a report and to an audience of sponsors and supply chain executives. Restricted to SCM students.
Fall: M. Jesus Saenz
IAP: M. Jesus Saenz
Spring: M. Jesus Saenz
Summer: M. Jesus Saenz
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.C51 Machine Learning Applications for Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Spring); second half of term
Prereq: 6.C51 and (SCM.254 or permission of instructor)
Units: 2-0-4
Begins Mar 31. Lecture: TR2.30-4 (E51-372)
Building on core material in 6.C51, applies selected machine learning models to build practical, data-driven implementations addressing key business problems in supply chain management. Discusses challenges that typically arise in these practical implementations. Addresses relevant elements for large scale productionalization and monitoring of machine learning models in practice. Students cannot receive credit without completion of the core subject 6.C51.
I. Jackson
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.S90 Special Subject: Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, Spring) Can be repeated for credit
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units arranged
Opportunity for study of topics in Supply Chain Management not otherwise included in the curriculum.
Fall: Staff
Spring: Staff

SCM.S91 Special Subject: Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Spring) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: None
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Opportunity for study of topics in Supply Chain Management not otherwise included in the curriculum.
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.S92 Special Subject: Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, Spring) Can be repeated for credit
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Opportunity for study of topics in Supply Chain Management not otherwise included in the curriculum.
Fall: Staff
Spring: Staff

SCM.S93 Special Subject: Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, Spring) Can be repeated for credit
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units arranged
Opportunity for study of topics in Supply Chain Management not otherwise included in the curriculum.
Fall: Staff
Spring: Staff

SCM.S94 Special Subject: Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, Spring) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: None
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Opportunity for study of topics in Supply Chain Management not otherwise included in the curriculum.
Fall: Staff
Spring: Staff
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.S95 Special Subject: Supply Chain Management

Graduate (Fall, Spring) Can be repeated for credit
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Opportunity for study of topics in Supply Chain Management not otherwise included in the curriculum.
Fall: Staff
Spring: Staff

SCM.THG Graduate Thesis

Graduate (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: None
Units arranged
Program of research leading to the writing of a master's thesis on a relevant supply chain management topic. Arranged by the student with a member of the Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) research staff.
Fall: M. Jesus Saenz
IAP: M. Jesus Saenz
Spring: M. Jesus Saenz
Summer: M. Jesus Saenz
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.UR Undergraduate Research

Undergrad (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: None
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Undergraduate research opportunities in Supply Chain Management.
Fall: A. Mackin
IAP: A. Mackin
Spring: A. Mackin
No required or recommended textbooks

SCM.URG Undergraduate Research

Undergrad (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: None
Units arranged
Undergraduate research opportunities in Supply Chain Management.
Fall: A. Mackin
IAP: A. Mackin
Spring: A. Mackin
No required or recommended textbooks

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