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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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7 subjects found.

8.02 Physics II

Undergrad (Fall, Spring) Physics II
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR) and Physics I (GIR)
Units: 3-2-7
Credit cannot also be received for 8.021, 8.022, ES.802, ES.8022
Add to schedule Lecture: MW9-10.30,F9 (26-152) or MW11-12.30,F11 (26-152) or MW1-2.30,F1 (26-152) or MW3-4.30,F3 (26-152) or TR9-10.30,F10 (26-152) or TR11-12.30,F12 (26-152) or TR1-2.30,F2 (26-152) or TR3-4.30,F4 (26-152) +final
Introduction to electromagnetism and electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric structure of matter; conductors and dielectrics. Concepts of electrostatic field and potential, electrostatic energy. Electric currents, magnetic fields and Ampere's law. Magnetic materials. Time-varying fields and Faraday's law of induction. Basic electric circuits. Electromagnetic waves and Maxwell's equations. Subject taught using the TEAL (Technology Enabled Active Learning) studio format which utilizes small group interaction and current technology to help students develop intuition about, and conceptual models of, physical phenomena.
Fall: M. Tegmark, L. Winslow
Spring: N. Gedik
No textbook information available

8.021 Physics II

Undergrad (Fall) Physics II
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR), Physics I (GIR), and permission of instructor
Units: 5-0-7
Credit cannot also be received for 8.02, 8.022, ES.802, ES.8022
Introduction to electromagnetism and electrostatics: electric charge, Coulomb's law, electric structure of matter; conductors and dielectrics. Concepts of electrostatic field and potential, electrostatic energy. Electric currents, magnetic fields and Ampere's law. Magnetic materials. Time-varying fields and Faraday's law of induction. Basic electric circuits. Electromagnetic waves and Maxwell's equations. Designed for students with previous experience in 8.02; the subject is designated as 8.02 on the transcript. Enrollment limited.
E. Katsavounidis

8.022 Physics II

Undergrad (Fall, Spring) Physics II
Prereq: Physics I (GIR); Coreq: Calculus II (GIR)
Units: 5-0-7
Credit cannot also be received for 8.02, 8.021, ES.802, ES.8022
Add to schedule Lecture: MW2.30-4 (6-120) Recitation: TR10 (26-314) or TR11 (26-314) +final
Parallel to 8.02, but more advanced mathematically. Some knowledge of vector calculus assumed. Maxwell's equations, in both differential and integral form. Electrostatic and magnetic vector potential. Properties of dielectrics and magnetic materials. In addition to the theoretical subject matter, several experiments in electricity and magnetism are performed by the students in the laboratory.
Fall: J. Checkelsky
Spring: G. Innocenti
Textbooks (Spring 2025)

CC.802 Physics II

Undergrad (Spring) Physics II
(Subject meets with CC.8022)
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR) and Physics I (GIR); Coreq: CC.010, CC.011, or CC.A10
Units: 5-0-7
Add to schedule Lecture: MW1-2.30 (16-160) Recitation: TR1 (16-160) +final
Equivalent to 8.02; see 8.02 for description. Limited to students in Concourse.
Lang, Ryan
Textbooks (Spring 2025)

CC.8022 Physics II

Undergrad (Spring) Physics II
(Subject meets with CC.802)
Prereq: Physics I (GIR); Coreq: Calculus II (GIR)
Units: 5-0-7
Add to schedule Lecture: MW1-2.30 (16-160) Recitation: TR2 (16-160) +final
Equivalent to 8.022; see 8.022 for description. Limited to students in Concourse.
R. Lang
No textbook information available

ES.802 Physics II

Undergrad (Spring) Physics II
Prereq: Calculus I (GIR) and Physics I (GIR)
Units: 5-1-6
Credit cannot also be received for 8.02, 8.021, 8.022, ES.8022
Add to schedule Lecture: MTWRF10 (24-621) or MTWRF11 (24-621)
Equivalent to 8.02; see 8.02 for description. Instruction done through small, interactive classes. Limited to students in ESG.
A. Barrantes
No textbook information available

ES.8022 Physics II

Undergrad (Fall, Spring) Physics II
Prereq: Physics I (GIR); Coreq: Calculus II (GIR)
Units: 5-0-7
Credit cannot also be received for 8.02, 8.021, 8.022, ES.802
Add to schedule Lecture: MW11-1,F11 (24-611A)
Equivalent to 8.022; see 8.022 for description. Students complete group projects. Some content is decided by students. Limited to students in ESG.
Fall: P. Rebusco
Spring: P. Rebusco
No textbook information available