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Aerospace Studies
IAP/Spring 2025

ROTC subjects do not carry academic credit at MIT, but they can be counted toward the PE Requirement. Up to two points per year with a maximum of four points.

Aerospace Studies

AS.101 Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: None. Coreq: AS.111
Units: 1-0-1
Survey course designed to introduce students to the United States Air Force. Provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organizations of the Air Force. 
A. Baptiste

AS.102 Heritage and Values of the United States Air Force

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: AS.101 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.112
Units: 1-0-1
Lecture: T2 (W59-073) +final
Survey course designed to introduce students to the United States Air Force. Provides an overview of the basic characteristics, missions, and organizations of the Air Force. AS.102 is a continuation of AS.101.
S. Keith
No textbook information available

AS.111 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: None. Coreq: AS.101
Units: 0-2-2 [P/D/F]
First-year General Military Course. Includes a study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, and military commands. Also includes studying the environment of an Air Force officer and learning about areas of opportunity available to commissioned officers, as well as interviews, guidance, and information to increase the understanding, motivation, and performance of other cadets.
S. Keith

AS.112 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: AS.111 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.102
Units: 0-2-2 [P/D/F]
Lecture: T3-5 (1-190)
Includes a study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, and military commands. Also includes studying the environment of an Air Force officer and learning about areas of opportunity available to commissioned officers, as well as interviews, guidance, and information to increase the understanding, motivation, and performance of other cadets. AS.112 is a continuation of AS.111.
S. Keith
No textbook information available

AS.201 Team and Leadership Fundamentals

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: AS.102 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.211
Units: 1-0-1
Focuses on laying the foundation for teams and leadership. Topics center on skills that allow cadets to improve their leadership on a personal level and within a team. Prepares cadets for their field training experience where they have the opportunity to put the concepts covered in to practice. Aims to instill a leadership mindset and motivate sophomore students to transition from AFROTC cadet to AFROTC officer candidate.
Almira Baptiste

AS.202 Team and Leadership Fundamentals

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: AS.201 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.212
Units: 1-0-1
Lecture: T1 (W59-073) +final
Focuses on laying the foundation for teams and leadership. Topics center on skills that allow cadets to improve their leadership on a personal level and within a team. Prepares cadets for their field training experience where they have the opportunity to put the concepts covered in to practice. Aims to instill a leadership mindset and motivate sophomore students to transition from AFROTC cadet to AFROTC officer candidate.
M. Sawyer
No textbook information available

AS.211 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: AS.112 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.201
Units: 0-2-2 [P/D/F]
Emphasizes development of techniques used to direct and inform. Students are assigned leadership and management positions in the AS.111 programs. AS.212 is a continuation of AS.211.
S. Keith

AS.212 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: AS.211 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.202
Units: 0-2-2 [P/D/F]
Lecture: T3-5 (1-190)
Emphasizes development of techniques used to direct and inform. Students are assigned leadership and management positions in the AS.111 programs described above. AS.212 is a continuation of AS.211.
S. Keith
No textbook information available

AS.301 Leading People and Effective Communication

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: AS.202 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.311
Units: 3-0-6
Covers advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership, with special emphasis on enhancing cadets' leadership skills and communication. Cadets have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors.
E. Amato

AS.302 Leading People and Effective Communication

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: AS.301 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.312
Units: 3-0-3
Lecture: R3-4.30 (W59-073) +final
Covers advanced skills and knowledge in management and leadership, with special emphasis on enhancing cadets' leadership skills and communication. Cadets have an opportunity to try out these leadership and management techniques in a supervised environment as juniors and seniors.
E. Amato
No textbook information available

AS.311 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: AS.212 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.301
Units: 0-2-4 [P/D/F]
Consists of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences that involve the planning and controlling of military activities of the cadet corps and the preparation and presentation of briefings and other oral and written communications. Also includes interviews, guidance, and information to increase the understanding, motivation, and performance of other cadets. AS.312 is a continuation of AS.311.
S. Keith

AS.312 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: AS.311 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.302
Units: 0-2-4 [P/D/F]
Lecture: T3-5 (1-190)
Consists of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences that involve the planning and controlling of military activities of the cadet corps and the preparation and presentation of briefings and other oral and written communications. Also includes interviews, guidance, and information to increase the understanding, motivation, and performance of other cadets. AS.312 is a continuation of AS.311.
S. Keith
No textbook information available

AS.401 National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: AS.302 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.411
Units: 3-0-9
Designed for college seniors, providing them the foundation to understand their role as military officers in American society. Includes an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level.
S. Keith

AS.402 National Security Affairs/Preparation for Active Duty

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: AS.401 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.412
Units: 3-0-3
Lecture: W3-5 (1-132)
Designed for college seniors, providing them the foundation to understand their role as military officers in American society. Includes an overview of the complex social and political issues facing the military profession and requires a measure of sophistication commensurate with the senior college level. Provides information that prepares cadets for active duty.
S. Keith
No textbook information available

AS.411 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: AS.312 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.401
Units: 0-2-4 [P/D/F]
Consists of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences that involve the planning and controlling of military activities of the cadet corps, and the preparation and presentation of briefings and other oral and written communications. Also includes interviews, guidance, and information to increase the understanding, motivation, and performance of other cadets. AS.412 is a continuation of AS.411.
S. Keith

AS.412 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: AS.411 or permission of instructor; Coreq: AS.402
Units: 0-2-4 [P/D/F]
Lecture: T3-5 (1-190)
Consists of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences that involve the planning and controlling of military activities of the cadet corps, and the preparation and presentation of briefings and other oral and written communications. Also includes interviews, guidance, and information to increase the understanding, motivation, and performance of other cadets. AS.412 is a continuation of AS.411.
S. Keith
No textbook information available

AS.511 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Fall)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: AS.412 or permission of instructor
Units: 0-2-4 [P/D/F]
Consists of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences to continue developing critical leadership, managerial and communication skills along with maintaining an active, physical lifestyle needed in today's Air Force. AS.512 is a continuation of AS.511.
P. Dela Cruz

AS.512 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Spring)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: AS.511 or permission of instructor
Units: 0-2-4 [P/D/F]
Consists of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences to continue developing critical leadership, managerial and communication skills along with maintaining an active, physical lifestyle needed in today's Air Force. AS.512 is a continuation of AS.511.

AS.811 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: AS.411 or permission of instructor
Units: 0-2-4 [P/D/F]
Consists of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences to continue developing critical leadership, managerial and communication skills, along with maintaining an active, physical lifestyle needed in today's Air Force.
S. Keith

AS.812 Leadership Laboratory

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 0-2-4 [P/D/F]
Lecture: T3-5 (1-190)
Cadets develop critical leadership, managerial and communication skills while maintaining an active, physical lifestyle needed in today's Air Force. Consists of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences that involve mentoring the cadet corps, special projects, and event planning.
S. Keith
No textbook information available

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Produced: 14-FEB-2025 05:10 PM