for Students
Undergraduate Students: Check out and review the new BETA MIT Student Dashboard
Check Your Current Registration |
Spring subject registration
Online Registration |
register online for Spring Term
Online Add/Drop/Change Form |
Forms and Petitions |
Online HASS Concentration Form
Late Add/Drop/Change Petition
On-line Degree Application |
for Fall and Spring applicants
Academic Record |
current registration, grades, GIR audit
forms and petitions
Financial Record |
current account activity, financial aid, loans
MITPay, Student Financial Services
Biographic and Emergency Records |
addresses, name, pronouns, gender, directory information, citizenship
personal emergency contact, campus emergency notification (MIT Alert)
Waitlists |
view enrollment and manage waitlists for CI-H/HW and other limited-enrollment subjects
Physical Education |
registration and information
TurboVote |
online election information application
Subject Listing and Schedule |
including required textbook information
Tuition and Fees |
Graduate Student Dental Plan |
information and plan enrollment
MIT Card Services |
TechCASH accounts, T-pass program, ID photographs
Payroll Forms and Services |
direct deposit and tax withholding, time sheets, ePaystubs and eW-2s payroll information for graduate students
Academic Integrity at MIT |
citing sources, avoiding plagiarism, guidelines for collaboration
Term Regulations |
regulations and policies governing classes and exams
Academic Calendar |
Access to and Use of Your Records |
Accessing MIT Certificate-protected Sites |
web certificates
two-factor authentication (Duo) |
Web Browsers |
recommended and supported browsers at MIT |
Frequently Asked Questions |