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Searched for: 1 subject found.
CMS.614[J] Critical Internet Studies
(Same subject as 21W.791[J], WGS.280[J])
(Subject meets with IDS.405)
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: W2-5 (56-169)![]()
Focuses on the power dynamics in internet-related technologies (including social networking platforms, surveillance technology, entertainment technologies, and emerging media forms). Theories and readings focus on the cultural, social, economic, and political aspects of internet use and design, with a special attention to gender and race. Topics include: online communication and communities, algorithms and search engines, activism and online resistance, surveillance and privacy, content moderation and platform governance, and the spread of dis- and misinformation. Instruction and practice in written and oral communication provided. Students taking the graduate version complete additional readings and assignments.
T. L. Taylor
No required or recommended textbooks