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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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STS.075[J] Technology and Culture

Undergrad (Fall, Spring) HASS Social Sciences
(Same subject as 21A.500[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-7
Lecture: R11-1 (32-141)
Examines the intersections of technology, culture, and politics in a variety of social and historical settings ranging from 19th-century factories to 21st-century techno dance floors, from Victorian London to anything-goes Las Vegas. Discussions and readings organized around three questions: what cultural effects and risks follow from treating biology as technology; how computers have changed the way we think about ourselves and others; and how politics are built into our infrastructures. Explores the forces behind technological and cultural change; how technological and cultural artifacts are understood and used by different communities; and whether, in what ways, and for whom technology has produced a better world. Limited to 50.
Fall: M. Thompson
Spring: H. Beltran
No textbook information available