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IDS.012[J] Statistics, Computation and Applications
(Same subject as 6.3730[J])
(Subject meets with 6.3732[J], IDS.131[J])
Prereq: (6.100B, (18.03, 18.06, or 18.C06), and (6.3700, 6.3800, 14.30, 16.09, or 18.05)) or permission of instructor
Units: 3-1-8
Lecture: MW11-12.30 (2-190) Recitation: W4 (36-144) or F10 (36-144) or F11 (36-156)![]()
Hands-on analysis of data demonstrates the interplay between statistics and computation. Includes four modules, each centered on a specific data set, and introduced by a domain expert. Provides instruction in specific, relevant analysis methods and corresponding algorithmic aspects. Potential modules may include medical data, gene regulation, social networks, finance data (time series), traffic, transportation, weather forecasting, policy, or industrial web applications. Projects address a large-scale data analysis question. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments. Enrollment limited; priority to Statistics and Data Science minors, and to juniors and seniors.
C. Uhler, N. Azizan, M. Roozbehani
No required or recommended textbooks