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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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9.66[J] Computational Cognitive Science

Undergrad (Fall)
(Same subject as 6.4120[J])
(Subject meets with 9.660)
Prereq: 6.3700, 6.3800, 9.40, 18.05, 6.3900, or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Introduction to computational theories of human cognition. Focus on principles of inductive learning and inference, and the representation of knowledge. Computational frameworks covered include Bayesian and hierarchical Bayesian models; probabilistic graphical models; nonparametric statistical models and the Bayesian Occam's razor; sampling algorithms for approximate learning and inference; and probabilistic models defined over structured representations such as first-order logic, grammars, or relational schemas. Applications to understanding core aspects of cognition, such as concept learning and categorization, causal reasoning, theory formation, language acquisition, and social inference. Graduate students complete a final project.
J. Tenenbaum

9.660 Computational Cognitive Science

Graduate (Fall)
(Subject meets with 6.4120[J], 9.66[J])
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Introduction to computational theories of human cognition. Focuses on principles of inductive learning and inference, and the representation of knowledge. Computational frameworks include Bayesian and hierarchical Bayesian models, probabilistic graphical models, nonparametric statistical models and the Bayesian Occam's razor, sampling algorithms for approximate learning and inference, and probabilistic models defined over structured representations such as first-order logic, grammars, or relational schemas. Applications to understanding core aspects of cognition, such as concept learning and categorization, causal reasoning, theory formation, language acquisition, and social inference. Graduate students complete a final project.
J. Tenenbaum