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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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21 subjects found.

8.01L Physics I
Introduction to classical mechanics (see description under 8.01). Includes components of the TEAL (Technology-Enabled Active Learning) format. Material covered over a longer interval so that the subject is completed by the end of the IAP. Substantial emphasis given to reviewing and strengthening necessary mathematics tools, as well as basic physics concepts and problem-solving skills. Content, depth, and difficulty is otherwise identical to that of 8.01. The subject is designated as 8.01 on the transcript.
8.08 Statistical Physics II
Introduction to stochastic dynamics, in and out of equilibrium, from single to many-body systems. Topics include: Langevin and Fokker Planck equations, Stochastic thermodynamics, Markov chains, and ratchet currents. Methods are illustrated on examples ranging from soft matter physics to biophysics including colloid dynamics, bacterial motion, and active matter. Applications outside physics are discussed, such as epidemic spreading and econophysics.
8.18 Research Problems in Undergraduate Physics
Opportunity for undergraduates to engage in experimental or theoretical research under the supervision of a staff member. Specific approval required in each case.
8.19 Readings in Physics
Supervised reading and library work. Choice of material and allotment of time according to individual needs. For students who want to do work not provided for in the regular subjects. Specific approval required in each case.
8.20 Introduction to Special Relativity
Introduces the basic ideas and equations of Einstein's special theory of relativity. Topics include Lorentz transformations, length contraction and time dilation, four vectors, Lorentz invariants, relativistic energy and momentum, relativistic kinematics, Doppler shift, space-time diagrams, relativity paradoxes, and some concepts of general relativity. Intended for freshmen and sophomores. Not usable as a restricted elective by Physics majors. Credit cannot be received for 8.20 if credit for 8.033 is or has been received in the same or prior terms.
8.223 Classical Mechanics II
A broad, theoretical treatment of classical mechanics, useful in its own right for treating complex dynamical problems, but essential to understanding the foundations of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. Generalized coordinates, Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations, canonical transformations, and Poisson brackets. Applications to continuous media. The relativistic Lagrangian and Maxwell's equations.
8.228 Relativity II
A fast-paced and intensive introduction to general relativity, covering advanced topics beyond the 8.033 curriculum. Provides students with a foundation for research relying on knowledge of general relativity, including gravitational waves and cosmology. Additional topics in curvature, weak gravity, and cosmology.
8.277 Introduction to Particle Accelerators
Principles of acceleration: beam properties; linear accelerators, synchrotrons, and storage rings. Accelerator technologies: radio frequency cavities, bending and focusing magnets, beam diagnostics. Particle beam optics and dynamics. Special topics: measures of accelerators performance in science, medicine and industry; synchrotron radiation sources; free electron lasers; high-energy colliders; and accelerators for radiation therapy. May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 12 units.
8.295 Practical Experience in Physics
For Course 8 students participating in off-campus experiences in physics. Before registering for this subject, students must have an internship offer from a company or organization and must identify a Physics advisor. Upon completion of the project, student must submit a letter from the company or organization describing the work accomplished, along with a substantive final report from the student approved by the MIT advisor. Subject to departmental approval. Consult departmental academic office.
8.298 Selected Topics in Physics
Presentation of topics of current interest, with content varying from year to year.
8.812 Graduate Experimental Physics
Provides practical experience in particle detection with verification by (Feynman) calculations. Students perform three experiments; at least one requires actual construction following design. Topics include Compton effect, Fermi constant in muon decay, particle identification by time-of-flight, Cerenkov light, calorimeter response, tunnel effect in radioactive decays, angular distribution of cosmic rays, scattering, gamma-gamma nuclear correlations, and modern particle localization.
8.995 Practical Experience in Physics
For Course 8 students participating in off-campus experiences in physics. Before registering for this subject, students must have an internship offer from a company or organization, must identify a Physics advisor, and must receive prior approval from the Physics Department. Upon completion of the project, student must submit a letter from the company or organization describing the work accomplished, along with a substantive final report from the student approved by the MIT advisor. Consult departmental academic office.
8.EPE UPOP Engineering Practice Experience
Description given at end of this chapter in SWE section.
8.S014 Special Subject: Physics
Opportunity for group study of subjects in physics not otherwise included in the curriculum.
8.S199 Special Subject: Physics
Opportunity for group study of subjects in physics not otherwise included in the curriculum.
8.S308 Special Subject: Physics
Opportunity for group study of subjects in physics not otherwise included in the curriculum.
8.S50 Special Subject: Physics
Opportunity for group study of subjects in physics not otherwise included in the curriculum.
8.S50 Special Subject: Physics
Opportunity for group study of subjects in physics not otherwise included in the curriculum.
8.THG Graduate Physics Thesis
Program of research leading to the writing of an SM, PhD, or ScD thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member.
8.THU Undergraduate Physics Thesis
Program of research leading to the writing of an S.B. thesis; to be arranged by the student under approved supervision.
8.UR Undergraduate Research
Research opportunities in physics. For further information, contact the departmental UROP coordinator.