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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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7.27 Principles of Human Disease and Aging

Undergrad (Spring)
Prereq: 7.06
Units: 4-0-8
Lecture: MW11-12.30 (56-180)
Covers modern approaches to human diseases and aging, emphasizing the molecular and cellular basis of genetic diseases, infectious diseases, aging, and cancer. Topics include the genetics of simple and complex traits; karyotypic analysis and positional cloning; genetic diagnosis; evolutionary determination of aging, genetic and molecular aspects of aging, HIV/AIDs and other infectious diseases; the roles of oncogenes and tumor suppressors; the interaction between genetics and environment; animal models of human disease, cancer, and aging; and treatment strategies for diseases and aging. Includes a paper describing novel treatment options for a specific disease chosen by each student.
D. Housman, Y. Soto-Feliciano
No required or recommended textbooks