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6.3900 Introduction to Machine Learning
Prereq: (6.1010 or 6.1210) and (18.03, 18.06, 18.700, or 18.C06)
Units: 4-0-8
URL: https://introml.mit.edu/
Lecture: F11 (10-250) Recitation: MW9.30-11 (34-501, 32-044) or MW11-12.30 (34-501, 32-044) or MW1-2.30 (34-501, 32-044) or MW2.30-4 (34-501) +final![]()
Introduction to the principles and algorithms of machine learning from an optimization perspective. Topics include linear and non-linear models for supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning, with a focus on gradient-based methods and neural-network architectures. Previous experience with algorithms may be helpful.
Fall: V. Monardo
Spring: S. Shen
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