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6.1910 Computation Structures
Prereq: Physics II (GIR), 6.100A, and (Coreq: 6.1903 or 6.1904); or permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-8
Lecture: TR1 (32-123) Recitation: WF10 (34-302) or WF11 (34-302) or WF12 (34-302) or WF1 (34-302) or WF2 (34-302) or WF3 (34-302) or WF10 (35-308) or WF11 (35-308) or WF12 (35-308) or WF1 (35-308) or WF2 (8-205) or WF3 (8-205)![]()
Provides an introduction to the design of digital systems and computer architecture. Emphasizes expressing all hardware designs in a high-level hardware description language and synthesizing the designs. Topics include combinational and sequential circuits, instruction set abstraction for programmable hardware, single-cycle and pipelined processor implementations, multi-level memory hierarchies, virtual memory, exceptions and I/O, and parallel systems.
Fall: S. Hanono Wachman
Spring: S. Hanono Wachman
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