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3.042 Materials Project Laboratory
Prereq: 3.030 or 3.033
Units: 1-6-5
Lecture: R1 (4-013) Lab: TR2-5 (4-131B)![]()
Serves as the capstone design course in the DMSE curriculum. Working in groups, students explore the research and design processes necessary to build prototype materials and devices. Instruction focuses on how to conceive, design, and execute a materials development research plan, on developing competence in the fundamental laboratory and materials processing skills introduced in earlier course work, and on the preparation required for personal success in a team-based professional environment. Selected topics are covered in manufacturing, statistics, intellectual property, and ethics. Instruction and practice in oral and written communication provided. Limited to 25 due to space constraints.
Fall: M. Tarkanian
Spring: M. Tarkanian
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