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Searched for: 9 subjects found.
- 3.693-3.699 Teaching Materials Science and Engineering
- Laboratory, tutorial, or classroom teaching under the supervision of a faculty member. Students selected by interview. Enrollment limited by availability of suitable teaching assignments.
- 3.EPE UPOP Engineering Practice Experience
- Description given at end of this chapter in SWE section.
- 3.EPW UPOP Engineering Practice Workshop
- Description given at end of this chapter in SWE section.
- 3.S09 Special Subject in Materials Science and Engineering
- Lecture, seminar, or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
- 3.S76-3.S79 Special Subject in Materials Science and Engineering
- Covers advanced topics in Materials Science and Engineering that are not included in the permanent curriculum.
- 3.THG Graduate Thesis
- Program of research leading to the writing of an SM, PhD, or ScD thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member.
- 3.THU Undergraduate Thesis
- Program of research leading to the writing of an SB thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member. Instruction and practice in oral and written communication.
- 3.UR Undergraduate Research
- Extended participation in work of a research group. Independent study of literature, direct involvement in group's research (commensurate with student skills), and project work under an individual faculty member. See UROP coordinator for registration procedures.
- 3.URG Undergraduate Research
- Extended participation in work of a research group. Independent study of literature, direct involvement in group's research (commensurate with student skills), and project work under an individual faculty member. See UROP coordinator for registration procedures.