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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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24.150[J] Liberalism, Toleration, and Freedom of Speech

Not offered academic year 2024-2025Undergrad (Fall) HASS Humanities
(Same subject as 17.043[J], CMS.125[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Examines theories and principles that underlie the concept of free speech in the United States, the historical context in which the values of free speech and toleration emerged, and the philosophical arguments that were and are made for and against them. Students analyze a variety of contexts and communicative practices, including new media technologies, to debate how "speech" can be described and when it should be appropriately regulated. Considers current disputes over free speech on college campuses.
A. Byrne, B. Skow