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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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8 subjects found.

24.132 Workshop in Ethical Engineering
Students study and apply a protocol for identifying and addressing ethical issues in a computer science, software development, or other engineering project. Builds a vocabulary to advocate for and justify ethical decisions in engineering contexts. For the final project, students either apply the protocol to a project they are working on, or develop their own protocol.
24.995 Linguistics Professional Perspective
Required for linguistics doctoral students to explore and gain professional perspective through industry and academic experiences. Professional perspective options include industry internships, academic internships, or training for academia. For an internship experience, an offer from a company or organization is required prior to enrollment. A written report is required upon completion of the experience. Proposals subject to departmental approval in consultation with advisor.
24.THG Graduate Thesis
Program of research and writing of thesis, to be arranged by the student with supervising committee.
24.THG Graduate Thesis
Program of research and writing of thesis, to be arranged by the student with supervising committee.
24.UR Undergraduate Research
Research opportunities in linguistics and philosophy. For further information, consult the departmental coordinators.
24.UR Undergraduate Research
Research opportunities in linguistics and philosophy. For further information, consult the departmental coordinators.
24.URG Undergraduate Research
Research opportunities in linguistics and philosophy. For further information consult the departmental coordinators.
24.URG Undergraduate Research
Research opportunities in linguistics and philosophy. For further information consult the departmental coordinators.