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21M.011 Introduction to Western Music
Prereq: None
Units: 4-0-8
URL: http://mta.mit.edu/music/class-schedule
Lecture: W3.30-5 (4-270) Recitation: MF3 (4-364) or TR1 (4-152) or TR3 (4-152)![]()
Provides a broad overview of Western music from the Middle Ages to the 21st century, with emphasis on late baroque, classical, romantic, and modernist styles. Designed to enhance the musical experience by developing listening skills and an understanding of diverse forms and genres. Major composers and works placed in social and cultural contexts. Weekly lectures feature demonstrations by professional performers and introduce topics to be discussed in sections. Enrollment limited.
Fall: T. Neff, M. Goetjen
Spring: E. Pollock, M. Goetjen
No required or recommended textbooks