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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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21H.983[J] Gender: Historical Perspectives

Not offered academic year 2025-2026Graduate (Spring)
(Same subject as WGS.310[J])
(Subject meets with 21H.109[J], WGS.303[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: W2-5 (4-144)
Examines the definition of gender in scientific, societal, and historical contexts. Explores how gender influences state formation and the work of the state, what role gender plays in imperialism and in the welfare state, the ever-present relationship between gender and war, and different states' regulation of the body in gendered ways at different times. Investigates new directions in the study of gender as historians, anthropologists and others have taken on this fascinating set of problems. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
E. Wood
Textbooks (Spring 2025)