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IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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21H.363[J] Abortion: Global and Interdisciplinary Perspectives

Not offered academic year 2024-2025Undergrad (Spring) HASS Humanities
(Same subject as WGS.330[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Addresses topics such as the development of abortion law in the US and around the world, ethics of abortion and forcible pregnancy, pro- and anti-abortion activism, economics of abortion, and terms related to abortion, including reproductive justice, reproductive rights, bodily autonomy, and fetal politics. Tackles questions including how different societies at different times have approached the question of the removal of a fetus from a human body, who are (or should be) stakeholders in making the decision to deliberately terminate a pregnancy or ban such a decision, and whether abortion was always a "question" that different groups and individuals discussed, evaluated, and regulated. Encourages students to think about this issue in historical context to help them form analytically sound arguments.