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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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21H.253[J] Global Chinese Migration, 1567-Present

Undergrad (Fall) HASS Humanities
Not offered regularly; consult department
(Same subject as 21G.075[J])
(Subject meets with 21G.196)
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Examines Chinese migration in historical and comparative perspective, beginning in 1567 with the lifting of the imperial ban on private maritime trade. Covers migration to diverse venues across the globe, including tropical colonies, settler societies, Chinese frontiers, and postcolonial metropoles. Topics include the varied roles of Chinese migrants in these diverse venues, the coolie trade and anti-Chinese movements, overseas students, transnational networks, cultural adaptation, and the creolization of Chinese food in migrant communities. Critically examines the degree to which this transnational migration has produced a "Global Chinese" identity. Taught in English.
E. Teng