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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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21H.106[J] Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies

Undergrad (Spring) Arts + Humanities Communication Intensive HASS
(Same subject as 24.912[J], 21L.008[J], 21W.741[J], CMS.150[J], WGS.190[J])
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: T2-5 (E15-335)
Interdisciplinary survey of people of African descent that draws on the overlapping approaches of history, literature, anthropology, legal studies, media studies, performance, linguistics, and creative writing. Connects the experiences of African-Americans and of other American minorities, focusing on social, political, and cultural histories, and on linguistic patterns. Includes lectures, discussions, workshops, and required field trips that involve minimal cost to students.
M. DeGraff, D. Fox Harrell, D. Wood
No textbook information available