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20.375 Applied Developmental Biology and Tissue Engineering
Not offered regularly; consult department
(Subject meets with 20.475)
Prereq: (7.06, 20.320, and (7.003 or 20.109)) or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9![]()
Addresses the integration of engineering and biology design principles to create human tissues and organs for regenerative medicine to drug development. Provides an overview of embryogenesis, how morphogenic phenomena are governed by biochemical and biophysical cues. Analyzes <em>in vitro</em> generation of human brain, gut, and other organoids from stem cells. Studies the roles of biomaterials and microreactors in improving organoid formation and function; organoid use in modeling disease and physiology <em>in vitro</em>; and engineering and biological principles of reconstructing tissues and organs from postnatal donor cells using biomaterials scaffolds and bioreactors. Includes select applications, such as liver disease, brain disorders, and others. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
L. Griffith, D. Lauffenburger