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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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20.213 Genome Stability and Engineering in the Context of Diseases, Drugs, and Public Health

Undergrad (Spring); second half of term
Prereq: 5.07, 7.05, or permission of instructor
Units: 2-0-4
Begins Mar 31. Lecture: MW9-11 (56-167)
Examines the chemistry and biological consequences of DNA damaging agents present endogenously and in our air, food, and water. In addition, discusses DNA damaging agents that are used as chemotherapeutics. Explores the underlying molecular processes of DNA repair pathways and their roles in cancer, neurological disorders, aging, CRISPR gene editing, and antibody diversification. Investigates how heritable differences in DNA repair capacity, in combination with environmental exposures, impact genome instability and downstream diseases. Emphasis is placed on how these processes relate to environmental justice and public health.
B. P. Engelward
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