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20.129[J] Biological Circuit Engineering Laboratory
(Same subject as 6.4880[J])
Prereq: Biology (GIR) and Calculus II (GIR)
Units: 2-8-2
Lecture: MW12 (4-163) Lab: MW1-3 (26-035) or MW3-5 (26-035) Recitation: MW1-3 (26-168) or MW3-5 (24-121)![]()
Students assemble individual genes and regulatory elements into larger-scale circuits; they experimentally characterize these circuits in yeast cells using quantitative techniques, including flow cytometry, and model their results computationally. Emphasizes concepts and techniques to perform independent experimental and computational synthetic biology research. Discusses current literature and ongoing research in the field of synthetic biology. Instruction and practice in oral and written communication provided. Enrollment limited.
J. Niles, R. Weiss, J. Buck
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