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20.005 Ethics for Engineers
Prereq: None
Units: 2-0-7
Credit cannot also be received for 1.082, 2.900, 6.9320, 7.105, 10.01, 16.676
Lecture: M3-5 (66-148) or T3-5 (66-148) or W3-5 (66-148) or W EVE (7-9 PM) (66-148)![]()
Explores how to be an ethical engineer. Students examine engineering case studies along with foundational ethical readings, and investigate which ethical approaches are best and how to apply them as engineers. Topics include justice, rights, cost-benefit analysis, safety, bias, genetic engineering, climate change, and the promise and peril of AI. Discussion-based. All sections cover the same core ethical frameworks, but some sections have a particular focus for engineering case studies, such as Computer Science or Bioengineering. Students are eligible to take any section of the course, regardless of their registered course number. The subject is taught in separate sections. For 20.005, students additionally undertake an ethical-technical analysis of a BE-related topic of their choosing.
Fall: D. Lauffenburger, P. Hansen
Spring: P. Hansen, L. Guarente, D. Lauffenburger, K. Hansen
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