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2.782[J] Design of Medical Devices and Implants
(Same subject as HST.524[J])
Prereq: (Biology (GIR), Chemistry (GIR), and Physics I (GIR)) or permission of instructor
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: TR11-12.30 (5-134)![]()
Solution of clinical problems by use of implants and other medical devices. Systematic use of cell-matrix control volumes. The role of stress analysis in the design process. Anatomic fit: shape and size of implants. Selection of biomaterials. Instrumentation for surgical implantation procedures. Preclinical testing for safety and efficacy: risk/benefit ratio assessment. Evaluation of clinical performance: design of clinical trials. Project materials drawn from orthopedic devices, soft tissue implants, artificial organs, and dental implants.
M. Spector
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