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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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23 subjects found.

2.670 Mechanical Engineering Tools
Introduces the fundamentals of machine tools use and fabrication techniques. Students work with a variety of machine tools including the bandsaw, milling machine, and lathe. Mechanical Engineering students are advised to take this subject in the first IAP after declaring their major. Enrollment may be limited due to laboratory capacity. Preference to Course 2 majors and minors.
2.704 Projects in Naval Ship Conversion Design
Focuses on conversion design of a naval ship. A new mission requirement is defined, requiring significant modification to an existing ship. Involves requirements setting, design plan formulation and design philosophy, and employs formal decision-making methods. Technical aspects demonstrate feasibility and desirability. Includes formal written and verbal reports and team projects.
2.708 Traditional Naval Architecture Design
Week-long intensive introduction to traditional design methods in which students hand draw a lines plan of a N. G. Herreshoff (MIT Class of 1870) design based on hull shape offsets taken from his original design model. After completing the plan, students then carve a wooden half-hull model of the boat design. Covers methods used to develop hull shape analysis data from lines plans. Provides students with instruction in safe hand tool use and how to transfer their lines to 3D in the form of their model. Limited to 15.
2.979 Undergraduate Teaching
For students participating in departmentally approved undergraduate teaching programs. Students assist faculty in the design and execution of the curriculum and actively participate in the instruction and monitoring of the class participants. Students prepare subject materials, lead discussion groups, and review progress. Credit is arranged on a subject-by-subject basis and is reviewed by the department.
2.981 New England Coastal Ecology
Provides exposure to marine communities found along the coast of New England and how they fit into global patterns. Focuses on the ecology of salt marshes and rocky shores, and the biology of plants and animals that live in these complex habitats. Prepares students to recognize common inhabitants of these two communities and develops understanding of the major environmental factors affecting them, the types of ecological services they provide, and likely impacts of current and future climate change. Includes visits to field and research centers. Limited to 20.
2.989 Experiential Learning in Mechanical Engineering
Provides students the opportunity to learn and gain professional experience by participating in industrial projects related to Mechanical Engineering. Minimum project length is 10 weeks. Requires a written report upon completion. Before enrolling, students must contact MechE Graduate Office for procedures and restrictions; they must also have a firm internship offer and an identified MechE faculty member who will act as supervisor. Limited to Mechanical Engineering graduate students.
2.99 Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Provides credit for work on material in mechanical engineering outside of regularly scheduled subjects. Intended for study abroad under the Cambridge-MIT Exchange Program or an approved one-term or one-year program. Credit may be used to satisfy specific SB degree requirements. Requires prior approval. Consult department.
2.990 Practical Experience
For Mechanical Engineering undergraduates participating in curriculum-related off-campus experiences in mechanical engineering. Before enrolling, students must have an employment offer from a company or organization and must find a Mech E advisor. Upon completion of the coursework the student must submit a detailed design notebook, approved by the MIT advisor. Subject to departmental approval. Consult Department Undergraduate Office for details on procedures and restrictions.
2.993 Independent Study
Designed for undergraduates wanting to continue substantial projects of own choice, under faculty supervision, in mechanical engineering. Work may be of experimental, theoretical, or design nature. Projects may be arranged individually in most fields of department interest, i.e., in mechanics, design and manufacturing, controls and robotics, thermal science and energy engineering, bioengineering, ocean engineering and nanotechnology. 2.993 is letter-graded; 2.994 is P/D/F.
2.994 Independent Study
Designed for undergraduates wanting to continue substantial projects of own choice, under faculty supervision, in mechanical engineering. Work may be of experimental, theoretical, or design nature. Projects may be arranged individually in most fields of department interest, i.e., in mechanics, design and manufacturing, controls and robotics, thermal science and energy engineering, bioengineering, ocean engineering and nanotechnology. 2.993 is letter-graded; 2.994 is P/D/F.
2.995 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Assigned reading and problems or research in distinct areas, either theoretical or experimental, or design. Arranged on individual basis with instructor in the following areas: mechanics and materials, thermal and fluid sciences, systems and design, biomedical engineering, and ocean engineering. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
2.996 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Assigned reading and problems or research in distinct areas, either theoretical or experimental, or design. Arranged on individual basis with instructor in the following areas: mechanics and materials, thermal and fluid sciences, systems and design, biomedical engineering, and ocean engineering. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
2.997 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Assigned reading and problems or research in distinct areas, either theoretical or experimental, or design. Arranged on individual basis with instructor in the following areas: mechanics and materials, thermal and fluid sciences, systems and design, biomedical engineering, and ocean engineering. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
2.998 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering
Assigned reading and problems or research in distinct areas, either theoretical or experimental, or design. Arranged on individual basis with instructor in the following areas: mechanics and materials, thermal and fluid sciences, systems and design, biomedical engineering, and ocean engineering. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
2.EPE UPOP Engineering Practice Experience
Provides students with skills to prepare for and excel in the world of industry. Emphasizes practical application of career theory and professional development concepts. Introduces students to relevant and timely resources for career development, provides students with tools to embark on a successful internship search, and offers networking opportunities with employers and MIT alumni. Students work in groups, led by industry mentors, to improve their resumes and cover letters, interviewing skills, networking abilities, project management, and ability to give and receive feedback. Objective is for students to be able to adapt and contribute effectively to their future employment organizations. A total of two units of credit is awarded for completion of the fall and subsequent spring term offerings. Application required; consult UPOP website for more information.
2.EPW UPOP Engineering Practice Workshop
Provides sophomores across all majors with opportunities to develop and practice communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills to become successful professionals in the workplace, particularly in preparation for their summer industry internship. This immersive, multi-day Team Training Workshop (TTW) is comprised of experiential learning modules focused on expanding skills in areas that employers report being most valuable in the workplace. Modules are led by MIT faculty with the help of MIT alumni and other senior industry professionals. Skills applied through creative simulations, team problem-solving challenges, oral presentations, and networking sessions with prospective employers. Enrollment limited to those in the UPOP program.
2.S790-2.S792 Graduate Special Subject in Bioengineering
Advanced lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material in the broadly-defined field of bioengineering not offered in regularly scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter.
2.S975 Undergraduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering
Lecture, seminar or laboratory course consisting of material not offered in regularly scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter. See staff for scheduling information. Limited to 16.
2.S983 Graduate Special Subject in Mechanical Engineering
Advanced lecture, seminar or laboratory consisting of material not offered in regularly scheduled subjects. Can be repeated for credit only for completely different subject matter. 2.S980 and 2.S996 are graded P/D/F.
2.THG Graduate Thesis
Program of research leading to the writing of an SM, PhD, or ScD thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member.
2.THU Undergraduate Thesis
Individual self-motivated study, research, or design project under faculty supervision. Departmental program requirement: minimum of 6 units. Instruction and practice in written communication provided.
2.UR Undergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering
Individual study, research, or laboratory investigations under faculty supervision, including individual participation in an ongoing research project. See projects listing in Undergraduate Office, 1-110, for guidance.
2.URG Undergraduate Research in Mechanical Engineering
Individual study, research, or laboratory investigations under faculty supervision, including individual participation in an ongoing research project. See projects listing in Undergraduate Office, 1-110, for guidance.