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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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10.28 Chemical-Biological Engineering Laboratory

Undergrad (Fall)
Prereq: ((5.07 or 7.05) and (5.310 or 7.003)) or permission of instructor
Units: 2-8-5
Credit cannot also be received for 10.28B
Introduces the complete design of the bioprocess: from vector selection to production, separation, and characterization of recombinant products. Utilize concepts from many fields, such as, chemical and electrical engineering, and biology. Student teams work through parallel modules spanning microbial fermentation and animal cell culture. With the bioreactor at the core of the experiments, students study cell metabolism and biological pathways, kinetics of cell growth and product formation, oxygen mass transport, scale-up and techniques for the design of process control loops. Introduces novel bioreactors and powerful analytical instrumentation. Downstream processing and recombinant product purification also included. Credit cannot also be received for 10.28A. Enrollment limited.
J. Hamel