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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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1.104 Sensing and Intelligent Systems

Undergrad (Spring) Partial Lab
Prereq: (1.000 or 6.100A) and (1.101 or permission of instructor)
Units: 1-3-2
Add to schedule Lecture: T9 (1-050) Lab: R1-4 (1-050)
Introduces concepts and tools for modern sensing, data acquisition, and post-processing techniques, with applications to monitoring and control of infrastructure and environmental systems. Provides technical knowledge of sensing and monitoring technologies. Students collaborate to develop a design project that involves: selecting the right kind of sensors guided by the physical principles and sensing modalities; synthesizing multi-modal data for new applications; refining commercially available sensors for new real-world applications; designing a sensor network and building data-acquisition system for use in lab experiments and/or real-world deployments; sending the data over the Internet for visualization and post-processing; and using intuition and mathematical models to analyze the data. Guided visits to faculty research labs and field visits provide perspective. Provides instruction in oral and written communication.
S. Amin
No required or recommended textbooks