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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
Fall 2024 Search Results

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1.104 Sensing and Intelligent Systems

Undergrad (Spring) Partial Lab
Prereq: (1.000 or 6.100A) and (1.101 or permission of instructor)
Units: 1-3-2
Introduces concepts and tools for modern sensing, data acquisition, and post-processing techniques, with applications to monitoring and control of infrastructure and environmental systems. Provides technical knowledge of sensing and monitoring technologies. Students collaborate to develop a design project that involves: selecting the right kind of sensors guided by the physical principles and sensing modalities; synthesizing multi-modal data for new applications; refining commercially available sensors for new real-world applications; designing a sensor network and building data-acquisition system for use in lab experiments and/or real-world deployments; sending the data over the Internet for visualization and post-processing; and using intuition and mathematical models to analyze the data. Guided visits to faculty research labs and field visits provide perspective. Provides instruction in oral and written communication.
S. Amin