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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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1.088 Genomics and Evolution of Infectious Disease

Undergrad (Spring)
(Subject meets with 1.881[J], HST.538[J])
Prereq: Biology (GIR) and (1.000 or 6.100B)
Units: 3-0-9
Lecture: TR9.30-11 (5-134)
Provides a thorough introduction to the forces driving infectious disease evolution, practical experience with bioinformatics and computational tools, and discussions of current topics relevant to public health. Topics include mechanisms of genome variation in bacteria and viruses, population genetics, outbreak detection and tracking, strategies to impede the evolution of drug resistance, emergence of new disease, and microbiomes and metagenomics. Discusses primary literature and computational assignments. Students taking graduate version complete additional assignments.
T. Lieberman
No required or recommended textbooks