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MIT Subject Listing & Schedule
IAP/Spring 2025 Search Results

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17 subjects found.

1.091 Traveling Research Environmental eXperience (TREX): Fieldwork
Introduction to environmental fieldwork and research, with a focus on data collection and analysis. Subject spans three weeks, including two weeks of fieldwork, and involves one or more projects central to environmental science and engineering. Location varies year-to-year, though recent projects have focused on the island of Hawaii. Limited to Course 1 students.
1.096J Design of Sustainable Polymer Systems
See description under subject 10.496J.
1.097 Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
Students work one-on-one with a CEE graduate student or postdoc mentor on a project that aligns with their research interests. Previous project topics include transportation networks, structural mechanics, sediment transport, climate science, and microbial ecology. Includes weekly seminar-style talks. Intended for first-year students.
1.968 Graduate Studies in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Individual study, research, or laboratory investigations at the graduate level under faculty supervision.
1.977 Research Mentorship in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Graduate students mentor an undergraduate student in research for 30 hours per week during the Independent Activities Period (IAP) to help create a self-contained project. Students introduce the project through selected readings and meetings that clearly explain how the undergraduate project fits within the scope of the larger work/research of the graduate student, meet regularly to discuss progress on the project, provide guidance in the creation of a poster presentation that the undergraduate will deliver at the end of IAP, and attend and provide written feedback on the presentations of all mini-UROP participants.
1.982 Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering
For research assistants in the department, when assigned research is not used for thesis but is approved for academic credit. Credit for this subject may not be used for any degree granted by Course 1.
1.997 Practicum Training in Civil and Environmental Engineering
For graduate CEE students participating in curriculum-related, off-campus experiences in civil, environmental, and transportation engineering or related areas. Before enrolling, students must verify the internship arrangements by submitting a memo or email from the sponsoring company or organization and also from their Academic Advisor. At the conclusion of the training, the students will submit a final report for review and approval by their Academic Advisor. Can be taken for up to 3 units. Prior to enrolling, contact the CEE Academic Programs Office for procedures and restrictions.
1.998 Practicum Training in Civil and Environmental Engineering
For undergraduate CEE students participating in curriculum-related off-campus experiences in civil and environmental engineering or related areas. Before enrolling, students must have an offer from a company or organization and must have prior approval from their CEE academic advisor. At the conclusion of the training, the students will submit a final report for review and approval by their Academic Advisor. Can be taken for up to 3 units. Prior to enrolling, contact the CEE Academic Programs Office for procedures and restrictions.
1.999 Undergraduate Studies in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Individual study, research, or laboratory investigations under faculty supervision.
1.EPE UPOP Engineering Practice Experience
Description given at end of this chapter in SWE section.
1.EPW UPOP Engineering Practice Workshop
Description given at end of this chapter in SWE section.
1.S977 Special Graduate Subject in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Graduate subjects taught experimentally; subjects offered by visiting faculty; and seminars on topics of current interest not included in the regular curriculum.
1.S982 Special Graduate Subject in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Graduate subjects taught experimentally; subjects offered by visiting faculty; and seminars on topics of current interest not included in the the regular curriculum.
1.THG Graduate Thesis
Program of research leading to the writing of an SM, MEng, CE, PhD, or ScD thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member.
1.THU Undergraduate Thesis
Program of research leading to the writing of an S.B. thesis; to be arranged by the student and an appropriate MIT faculty member. Intended for seniors. Student must submit an approved thesis proposal to the Academic Programs Office by the fifth week of the first term the student is registered for thesis.
1.UR Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Individual research or laboratory study under faculty supervision. Also, opportunities in ongoing research program. Limited number of funded traineeships available.
1.URG Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Individual research or laboratory study under faculty supervision. Also opportunities in ongoing research program.