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Center for Computational Science and Engineering
IAP/Spring 2025

    IAP only
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CSE.900 Doctoral Seminar in Computational Science and Engineering

Graduate (Fall)
Prereq: None
Units: 1-0-2 [P/D/F]
Interdisciplinary seminar explores diverse topics in computational science and engineering (CSE), featuring talks from Institute faculty and external speakers. Surveys current research in CSE methodologies and applications.  Discusses important open research areas, as well as the ethical context and implications of research advances in CSE.  Priority to first-year CSE PhD students.
N. Hadjiconstantinou

CSE.999 Experiential Learning in Computational Science and Engineering

Graduate (Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: None
Units arranged
For graduate students in Center for Computational Science and Engineering (CCSE) programs participating in curriculum-related off-campus experiential learning opportunities in computational science and engineering and related areas. Students are responsible for arranging the experiential learning opportunity. Prior to enrolling, students must contact the CCSE Academic Administrator for procedures and restrictions and must verify their arrangements by submitting a memo or email from the sponsoring organization along with MIT advisor endorsement to the CCSE Academic Administrator. Upon completion of the training experience students are required to submit a letter from the experiential advisor describing the goals accomplished along with a substantive final report for review and grading by the MIT advisor.

CSE.C20[J] Introduction to Computational Science and Engineering

Undergrad (Fall, Spring); second half of term
(Same subject as 9.C20[J], 16.C20[J], 18.C20[J])
Prereq: 6.100A; Coreq: 8.01 and 18.01
Units: 2-0-4
Credit cannot also be received for 6.100B
Begins Mar 31. Lecture: MW3-4.30 (37-212)
Provides an introduction to computational algorithms used throughout engineering and science (natural and social) to simulate time-dependent phenomena; optimize and control systems; and quantify uncertainty in problems involving randomness, including an introduction to probability and statistics. Combination of 6.100A and 16.C20J counts as REST subject.
Fall: D.L. Darmofal, N. Seethapathi
Spring: D.L. Darmofal, N. Seethapathi
No textbook information available

CSE.IND Independent Study

Graduate (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: None
Units arranged
Opportunity for independent study or experiential learning, under regular supervision by a faculty member. Projects require prior approval.
Fall: K. Nelson
IAP: K. Nelson
Spring: K. Nelson
No textbook information available

CSE.S99 Special Subject in Computational Science & Engineering

Graduate (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Not offered regularly; consult department
Prereq: None
Units arranged
Covers subject matter not offered in the regular curriculum. Consult CCSE to learn of offerings for a particular term.

CSE.THG Graduate Thesis

Graduate (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer) Can be repeated for credit
Prereq: Permission of instructor
Units arranged
Program of research and writing of thesis for Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) graduate students; to be arranged by the student in conjunction with the faculty advisor, with CCSE approval.
Fall: K. Nelson
IAP: K. Nelson
Spring: K. Nelson
Textbooks arranged individually

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Produced: 11-FEB-2025 05:10 PM