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Course 21G: Global Languages
IAP/Spring 2025


21G.951 Arabic I

Undergrad (Fall, IAP) HASS Humanities
Prereq: None
Units: 4-0-8
Introduces students to the fundamentals of Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) using an integrated approach to develop skills in formal and colloquial Arabic and establish basic proficiency. With an overview of basic phonemes, vocabulary, grammatical structures, and the Arabic writing system, provides opportunities to practice the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Introduces students to some of the diverse cultures of the Arabic-speaking world, in order to develop intercultural, communicative, and linguistic competencies. Limited to 18.
Fall: M. Bruce
IAP: M. Bruce
Textbooks (IAP 2025)

21G.952 Arabic II

Undergrad (Spring) HASS Humanities
Prereq: 21G.951 or permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-8
Lecture: MTRF10 (4-249)
Enables students to continue developing skills in basic Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) using an integrated approach to develop skills in formal and colloquial Arabic. Provides opportunities to practice the four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking to develop proficiency. Extends student knowledge of some of the diverse cultures of the Arabic-speaking world in order to develop intercultural, communicative, and linguistic competencies. Limited to 18.
M. Bruce
No textbook information available

21G.953 Arabic III

Undergrad (Fall) HASS Humanities
Prereq: 21G.952 or permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-8
Continues to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Expands formal, informal vocabulary, and expressions via class discussions and course materials. Assignments and activities focus on building communicative abilities in real life situations through literature, science, media, art, global social issues, and environmental studies. Students use authentic materials to enhance negotiation, reasoning, explaining, describing, and expressing opinions in Arabic. Students present one individual and one group project. Limited to 18 for pedagogical reasons.
M. Bruce

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Produced: 14-FEB-2025 05:10 PM